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REN share

Company Information

Publicly Traded Company 
Share Capital:  €667,191,262 
CRC of Lisbon: single registration and taxpayer No. 503 264 032 
Headquarters: Avenida Estados Unidos da América, 55 
1749-061 Lisbon

Description of the Share

REN’s share capital of €667,191,262 is fully paid up and is represented by 667,191,262 shares with a nominal value of €1.00, in the form of registered shares. 

Although there are no limitations on the transferability of shares representing REN’s share capital, given that, under the terms of the Securities Code, shares traded on the market are freely transferable, and there are no limitations on the exercise of the respective voting rights, holders of shares are subject to the statutory safeguard mechanism regarding the non-exercise of voting rights provided for in Article 12(3) of the Articles of Association. This applies only in the event of the acquisition of shares exceeding the legal limits (25% of the share capital) provided for in Article 25(2)(i) of Decree-Law 29/2006 of 15 February (as amended by Decree-Law 215-A/2012 of 8 October), as well as in Article 20-A(3)(b) and Article 21(3)(h) of Decree-Law 30/2006 of 15 February (as amended by Decree-Law 230/2012 of 26 October). Therefore, the votes cast by any shareholder that exceed 25% of the total votes corresponding to the share capital shall not be counted.  

There are no systems of employee participation in the Company’s capital.

Share Description
Description Details Observations
Share capital 667,191,262 €
No. of Shares 667,191,262
Nominal value 1.00€
OPV date July 9, 2007
Date 2nd phase reprivatization May 25, 2012
Reprivatization completion date June 16, 2014
No. of quoted shares 667,191,262
Ticker Reuters RENE.LS
Ticker Bloomberg RENE PL
ISIN Shares PTREL0AM0008 Listed on Euronext Lisbon


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