Project no. 54

Status Done

Start Jul 2020

End Jun 2023

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Developing a new generation of smart connected devices and platforms for the integration of networks of objects for new paradigms of sustainability.


LINK4S – Link for Sustainability is a mobilising project co-financed by the PORTUGAL2020 AND COMPETE 2020 programmes that seeks to create a generation of new scientific knowledge to design, develop, build, and test a new generation of edge connectivity devices and associated platforms, both in the area of communication and in the area of software creation. The goal is to integrate networks of objects in the context of mobility and energy ecosystems. 

LINK4S also seeks to foster and validate innovative business models, aiming at sustained digital solutions to improve the quality of life in cities and to reduce environmental impact.  
REN coordinates the activities of Product, Process, or Service 5 (PPS5) – CPS for Energy, which seeks to develop sensors that enable monitoring the status/safety conditions of the unions of very-high-voltage underground cables and the supports of lines and telecommunications towers.

Anti-intrusion sensors and methane leak detection sensors will be installed in the Portgás network. 
In addition to REN – Rede Elétrica Nacional, S.A. and REN Portgás Distribuição S.A., this project mobilises technological and communications companies, as well as the Collaborative Digital Transformation Laboratory – DTX and research institutes/laboratories. 


  • Interconnecting ecosystems in the mobility and energy sectors, key areas for decarbonisation.

  • Development of innovative smart grids capable of creating greater connectivity.

  • Contributing to greater urban sustainability.

  • Reduction of the environmental impact.

  • Creation of tradable products that impact on various sectors and regions.

  • Projecting Portugal in the development and demonstration of new digital solutions. 

Financing and partnerships

